The PROportioner System
The PROportioner System
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General Details
The PROportioner System is a convenient system with no chemical mixing for utilizing the AQUA-AID Products that is as easy as hand watering. These five Pellet formulations are designed to make hand watering more effective and longer lasting:
- Aqua Aid Pellet- All Purpose water saving pellet
- Aquifer Pellet – Hydrating and Rewetting Pellet
- Aqua-Root Pellet – Humic Acid Nutrient Chelation Pellet
- OARS Pellet – Localised Dry Spot Pellet
- AQM Pellet – Root Producing Enhanced Kelp Pellet
Application Rates
The PROportioner system is a single, no mixing method of applying Aqua Aid Products. It is designed specifically for use on all types of turf, perennials, annuals, vegetables, and ornamental plantings such as golf courses, athletic fields, landscape planting, home gardens, hydro seeding, greenhouses, transplanting etc.
Product Downloads
Pellet Formulations