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General Details
OARS HS, Soil Hydrating Surfactant, is a combination of the university researched, field proven, and patented organic acid redistribution system (OARS) with a multi-branched hydrating chemistry. OARS HS controls soil water repellency while providing uniform soil moisture and increased soil moisture retention.
• Removes humic coatings from hydrophobic soil particles
• Controls water repellency
• Increases number of hydrating sites to improve moisture retention
• Provides superior soil moisture uniformity
• Increased length of activity in soil
• Reduces drought stress
• Consistent performance between applications to maintain adequate moisture in hard to wet soils
• Money back guarantee -
Application Rates
Golf, Lawns, and Sports Turf
Apply 5 to 10 L/ha in 1,200L of water (1.5 to 3 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 3 gallons) at 15-day intervals or as needed.
Irrigate with sufficient water to deliver Aqua-Cal to the soil profile – 1/8 inch (3 mm) or more recommended.
Inject 2 to 4 quarts per acre (5 to 10 L/ha) at 15 day intervals or as needed.
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