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General Details
AQM Tougher Turf is a balanced formulation of a highly refined, enriched kelp extract and a surfactant to be used in conjunction with proven turfgrass programs. The kelp extract in AQM is produced from fresh ascophyllum nodosum and is extracted using physical cell burst technology that preserves the cytoplasm, auxins, cytokinins, nutrients, and amino acids in their natural state. The cytokinins and auxins in AQM are biologically active metabolic enhancers that initiate the formation of lateral and secondary roots causing greater root mass. This action allows an increase in the root system’s effective area of absorption allowing for better nutritional uptake. The surfactant in AQM provides for increased infiltration and more uniform distribution of water into the root zone which also aids in distributing the kelp extract evenly throughout the root zone. Research has shown that turf grass treated with cytokinins and auxins, such as found in AQM, consistently enhanced antioxidant concentration, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic activity and conditioned the plant to improve its tolerance to environmental stresses.
• Encourages root development and root mass
• Increases plant resistance to environmental and cultural stresses
• Establishes uniform movement of water into and through the soil profile
• Provides enhanced disease tolerance
• Improves patterns of wetting and re-wetting
• Enhances plant vigor and color -
Application Rates
Golf, Lawns, and Sports Turf
Apply 10 L/ha in 400 to 800 L of water (3 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 1 to 2 gallons) at 30 to 45 day intervals or as needed.
Irrigate after each application to remove the surfactant from the plant surfaces.
Inject 10 L/ha (1 gallon per acre) at 30 to 45 day intervals or as needed.
2 to 3 weeks after germination or transplant, apply 10 L/ha in 400 to 800 L of water (3 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 1 to 2 gallons). Apply a follow-up application at bloom set. Irrigate after each application to remove the surfactant from the plant surfaces.
Sod Installation
Immediately following sod installation, apply 10 L/ha in 400 L of water (3 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 1 gallon). Follow up with normal turf program. Irrigate after each application to remove the surfactant from the plant surfaces.
Apply when hand watering. -
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